USWeekly Fantasy League

Women's version of Fantasy Football, using celebrities and the celebrity magazine USWeekly. Viva la Celebrities!

Sunday, September 17, 2006


And the winners are....

SexyBacks are bringing the win back, beating out Hips Don't Lie with a score of 8-0. Will the victories continue for the SexyBacks, with an alleged wedding on the horizon for TomKat?

Team Taradise scored a birthday AND a victory over the Kunas, thanks to Keira Knightley's red carpet abilities and Paris' husband-grabbing ways....Not only did Jessica Simpson's new album have less than stellar sales in the first week, she also failed to produce any points. (an USWeekly first?)

And the SaviManSquad showed just how savvy they are, scoring an impressive 8-0 victory over the SPs, thanks in part to Kate Hudson's Hawaiian vacation...SP may have scored a new baby brother this week, but wasn't able to score a single point.

Current Record:
SaviManSquad: 1-0
SexyBacks: 1-0
Team Taradise: 1-0
The Kunas: 0-1
Hips Don't Lie: 0-1
The SPs: 0-1


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